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Kapittel 10.7Vedlegg 5: Søkestrategi nordisk søk – skandinavisk og engelsk språk

Kontaktperson: Line Eikenes Langsholt/Hdir; Rita Sørly/UiT
Søk: Astrid Nøstberg
Fagfelle: Trude Anine Muggerud
Dublettsjekk i EndNote: Før dublettkontroll: 2924. Etter dublettkontroll: 2094.

Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) and Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process, In-Data-Review & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Daily and Versions <1946 to May 05, 2022>

Dato: 06.05.2022
Antall treff: 1503

Søk i Ovid MEDLINE(R) and Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process, In-Data-Review & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Daily and Versions <1946 to May 05, 2022>





Mental Disorders/ or exp Anxiety Disorders/ or Anxiety/ or exp "Bipolar and Related Disorders"/ or exp Mood Disorders/ or Neurotic Disorders/ or exp Paraphilic Disorders/ or exp Personality Disorders/ or Narcissism/ or exp "Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders"/ or exp "Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders"/



((mental* or psychiatric or neuropsychiatric or psychic) adj (disorder* or disease? or ill* or disturbance* or distress or treatment*)).tw,kf.



(anxiety or anxieties).tw,kf.



(bipolar* or mania? or manic or manicdepressive or maniodepressive or "manio depressive" or hypomani* or hyperthymi* or "rapid cycling?" or "mixed episode?").tw,kf.



((mood or affective) adj (disorder? or disturbance? or illness*)).tw,kf.



(depression? or depressive or depressed or melancholi* or dysthymic or dysthymia? or dysphoric or dysphoria? or dysforic or dysforia? or seasonal affective or unipolar disorder? or cothymia or mourning syndrom* or pseudodementia or pseudo dementia or cyclothymi*).tw,kf.



(neurotic disorder? or neuros#s or psychoneuros#s).tw,kf.



(paraphilia* or paraphilic disorder? or (sex* adj (deviation? or perversion? or problem? or dysphoria?))).tw,kf.



(personality disorder? or borderline or (disorder? adj2 adult adj2 personalit*)).tw,kf.



(schizophren* or ((multiple or dual or split) adj (personalit* or identit*)) or schizoaffective or schizo affective or schizophreniform disorder? or "shared paranoid disorder?" or "folie a deux" or "folie a trois" or "folie a famille" or hebephrenia* or hebephrenic? or delusional or paraphrenia? or schizotypal or "negative syndrom*" or "positive syndrom*").tw,kf.



(psychotic* or psychosis* or psychoses*).tw,kf.



(trauma disorder? or psychotrauma? or psycho trauma? or psychological trauma? or psychologic trauma? or sexual trauma? or sexual abuse trauma? or sexual assault trauma? or ((stress or stressor) adj disorder?) or (("stress related" or "stressor related" or stressrelated or stressorrelated) adj disorder?) or ptsd or post traumatic or posttraumatic or battered child syndrom* or adjustment disorder?).tw,kf.



Mental Health Services/ or Community Mental Health Services/ or (mental health service* or mental hygiene service* or assertive community treatment).tw,kf.



Mentally Ill Persons/ or (((mental* or psychiatric*) adj3 (patient? or person*)) or (psychiatric* adj2 care)).tw,kf.



"Diagnosis, Dual (Psychiatry)"/ or dual diagnos#s.tw,kf.



Substance-Related Disorders/ or Alcohol-Related Disorders/ or Alcohol-Induced Disorders/ or Psychoses, Alcoholic/ or Alcoholic Intoxication/ or Alcoholism/ or Binge Drinking/ or Amphetamine-Related Disorders/ or Cocaine-Related Disorders/ or Drug Overdose/ or Opiate Overdose/ or Inhalant Abuse/ or Marijuana Abuse/ or exp Narcotic-Related Disorders/ or Psychoses, Substance-Induced/ or Substance Abuse, Intravenous/ or Substance Abuse, Oral/ or Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/ or Opiate Substitution Treatment/



((pharma* or medic* or drug? or substance or narcotic* or inhalant or opiate or opioid or opium or morphine or methadone or amphetamine or methamphetamine or cocaine or marijuana or marihuana or cannabis or hashish or ganja? or heroin) adj2 (dependenc* or addiction? or addict? or abuse* or misus* or overdose* or overus* or overutili#ation or craving? or "use disorder?" or habituation or problem?)).tw,kf.



(((amphetamine or methamphetamine or cocaine) adj2 "use?") or ((marijuana or marihuana or cannabis or hashish or ganja? or heroin) adj2 (smoking or "use?"))).tw,kf.



((opioid* or opiate) adj induced adj (constipation or emesis or vomiting or hyperalgesia)).tw,kf.



Alcoholics/ or Drinking Behavior/ or exp Alcohol Drinking/ or Driving Under the Influence/



(((alcohol* or Ethanol) adj3 (consumption or intake or problem? or disorder? or overus* or misus* or drink* or dependenc* or addiction? or addict? or abuse* or abusing or beverage? or intoxicat* or harm* or binge)) or "alcohol use?" or alcoholi*).tw,kf.



((drink* adj2 (problem? or environment or hazard* or heavy* or episodic or excessive or harm* or binge? or behavior or behaviour)) or (driving adj3 (influence or drunk*))).tw,kf.



Drug Users/ or exp "Marijuana Use"/ or Drug-Seeking Behavior/



("drug seeking" adj (behavior or behaviour)).tw,kf.



("drug user?" or toxicomani* or dipsomania* or "polydrug use*" or "polydrug abuse*" or "multidrug use*" or "multidrug abuse*" or "multiple drug use*" or "multiple drug abuse*" or narcotism or heroinism or "illicit drug inhalation" or "glue sniffing" or "glue abuse*" or "drug diversion?" or "drug induced disease*" or "drug disease*" or "drug injur*" or "drug related disease*").tw,kf.



((Ethanolrelated or Substancerelated or Amphetaminerelated or Cocainerelated or Narcoticrelated or ethanolinduced or substanceinduced or amphetamineinduced or cocaineinduced or narcoticinduced) adj1 disorder?).tw,kf.



((abstinence or cessation or discontinuation or withdrawal) adj1 (symptom? or syndrom*)).tw,kf.



Substance Abuse Treatment Centers/ or Harm Reduction/ or Social Welfare/



(welfare service* or harm reduction).tw,kf.






Patient Participation/ or Patient-Centered Care/ or Decision Making/ or Decision Making, Shared/ or Community Participation/ or Decision Support Techniques/ or Therapeutic Alliance/ or Empowerment/ or Professional-Patient Relations/ or Self-Management/ or Coercion/ or Cooperative Behavior/



(((client? or consumer* or patient* or person? or user* or carer? or caregiver* or famil* or parent?) adj4 (centered* or centred* or choice* or collabor* or empower* or engag* or expectation* or involv* or judgement* or mediated or oriented or participat* or preference* or voice* or cooperat* or co-operat*)) or ((client? or consumer* or patient* or person? or user*) adj driven) or (shared adj2 decision) or co-product* or coproduct* or co-creat* or cocreat* or co-design* or codesign* or co-opt* or coopt* or ((Treatment or therapeutic) adj (alliance* or engagement)) or ((Public or citizen) adj4 (involvement* or participation* or engagement*)) or ((stakeholder* or "stake holder*") adj4 (consult* or collabor* or engag* or involv* or participat*))).tw,kf.



((maintenance or family or drug free or coercive) adj treatment*).tw,kf.



(empowerment or coercion or recovery or peer support or shared responsibilit* or self management).tw,kf.






30 and 35



limit 36 to "qualitative (best balance of sensitivity and specificity)"



qualitative research/ or Focus Groups/ or Grounded Theory/ or Ethnology/ or Interview/



(((Dependent? or user? or consumer? or patient? or individual? or people? or addict? or client? or person? or carer? or caregiver* or famil* or parent?) adj4 (experience* or view? or interview* or perceive? or perception? or feel or feels or felt or feeling? or attitude? or perspective?)) or qualitative or "Focus Group?" or "ethnographic research" or "ethnography" or "Ethnological Research" or ethnology or "Grounded Theory" or "phenomenological research" or phenomenology or "thematic analysis" or (Narrative adj4 (Analysis or inquiry))).tw,kf.



36 and (38 or 39)



37 or 40



"Scandinavian and Nordic Countries"/ or exp Denmark/ or Finland/ or Iceland/ or Sweden/



(Scandinavia* or scandinavic or nordic countries or Sweden or swedish or swede? or Sverige or Denmark or danish or Danmark or Finland or "Aland islands" or finnish or finn? or Suomi or Iceland or icelandic or icelander?).tw,cp,in,lg,kf,pl.



(sjukhus* or centralsjukhus* or laenssjukhus* or lanssjukhus* or lansdelssjukhus* or laensdelssjukhus* or barnsjukhus* or ungdomssjukhus* or lasarett* or Regionsjukhus* or Narsjukhus* or Naersjukhus* or Specialistsjukhus* or Beckombergasykehuset or "Danvikens hospital" or Konradsberg or "karolinska institute?" or (karolinska adj2 hosp*) or ("astrid lindgren" adj2 hosp*) or sahlgrenska or Radiumhemmet or Sophiahemmet or Sodersjukhuset or Soedersjukhuset or Blekingesjukhuset or Anestesiklinik* or Linneuniversitetet or Mittuniversitetet or "Royal Institute of Technology" or ((Universitet* or universit* or univ) adj2 (norrland* or skaane? or skane? or lindkoping or orebro or lindkoeping or oerebro or lund or lunds or uppsala or gothenborg? or gothenburg? or goteborg? or goteburg? or goethenborg? or goethenburg? or goeteborg? or goeteburg? or umeaa? or umea? or luleaa or lulea or karlstad? or vaxjo or vaexjo or vaxjoe or vaexjoe or kalmar or tekniska or Linnaeus or Chalmers or malmo or malmoe or Malardalen? or Maelardalen? or karolinska))).cp,in,tw,kf,pl.



(Blekinge or dalarna? or gotland or gavleborg? or gaevleborg? or halland or jamtland* or jaemtland* or jonkoping? or joenkoping? or kalmar? or kronoberg? or norbotten or skaane or skane or stockholm? or sodermanland? or soedermanland? or uppsala? or varmland? or vaermland? or vasterbotten? or vaesterbotten? or vasternorrland? or vaesternorrland? or vastmanland? or vaestmanland? or gotaland? or orebro? or "oster gotland?" or goetaland? or oerebro? or "oester gotland?").cp,in,tw,kf,pl.



(sygehus* or ((Universitet* or universit* or hospital* or hosp) adj3 (amager* or Augustenborg* or Bornholm* or farso* or give or herning* or hobro* or koge or koege or oringe* or randers or ringsted* or skagen* or "sct. hans*" or tarm or tonder* or toender* or thisted* or vejle* or viborg* or Aalborg* or aarhus* or Alborg* or arhus*)) or Specialhospital* or Universitetshospital* or Regionshospital* or "Psykiatrisk Cent*" or "Psykoterapeutisk Cent*" or Psykiatricenter* or Kommunehospital* or Centralsygeh* or "Hammel Neurocenter*" or "Vest Ribe*" or Aabenraa* or Abenra* or Aeroskobing* or Aroskobing* or Aeroeskobing* or Aroeskobing* or allerup* or Bispebjerg* or Bronderslev* or Broenderslev* or copenhagen* or Esbjerg* or Fakse or Fredericia* or Frederiksberg* or frederikshavn* or Gentofte* or Glostrup* or Grenaa* or Grena* or Grindsted* or Haderslev* or Herlev* or Hjorring* or Hjoerring* or holbaek* or Holbak* or Holstebro* or Horsens* or hovedstaden* or Hvidovre* or Kalundborg* or kobenhavn* or koebenhavn* or Kolding* or Korsor* or Korsoer* or Lemvig* or Middelfart* or Midtjylland* or Naestved* or Nakskov* or Nastved* or Nordjylland* or Nordsjaelland* or Nordsjalland* or Nykobing* or Nykoebing* or Odense* or Poppelhus* or Rigshospitalet* or Ringkobing* or Ringkoebing* or Risskov* or Roskilde* or Silkeborg* or Sjaelland* or Sjalland* or Skanderborg* or Skejby* or Slagelse* or Sonderborg* or Soenderborg* or Stolpegaard* or Svendborg* or Syddanmark* or sydvestjysk* or Syddansk* or "Tekniske Universitet*" or "IT Universitetet*" or ITUniversitetet* or "aarhus univ*" or "aalborg univ*" or "U of Aarhus*" or "U of aalborg*" or "Univ of Aarhus*" or "Univ of aalborg*" or "arhus univ*" or "alborg univ*" or "U of Arhus*" or "U of alborg*" or "Univ of Arhus*" or "Univ of alborg*").tw,cp,in,kf,pl.



(lakartidningen or ugeskrift for laeger).jn.






41 and 48



limit 49 to yr="2012 -Current"


Database: APA PsycInfo 1806 to May Week 1 2022

Dato: 06.05.2022
Antall treff: 860

Søk i APA PsycInfo 1806 to May Week 1 2022





mental disorders/ or exp affective disorders/ or exp anxiety disorders/ or anxiety/ or exp bipolar disorder/ or borderline states/ or exp chronic mental illness/ or mental disorders due to general medical conditions/ or exp neurosis/ or exp paraphilias/ or exp personality disorders/ or exp psychosis/ or serious mental illness/ or exp "stress and trauma related disorders"/ or Narcissism/



((mental* or psychiatric or neuropsychiatric or psychic) adj (disorder* or disease? or ill* or disturbance* or distress or treatment*)).tw.



(anxiety or anxieties).tw.



(bipolar* or mania? or manic or manicdepressive or maniodepressive or "manio depressive" or hypomani* or hyperthymi* or "rapid cycling?" or "mixed episode?").tw.



((mood or affective) adj (disorder? or disturbance? or illness*)).tw.



(depression? or depressive or depressed or melancholi* or dysthymic or dysthymia? or dysphoric or dysphoria? or dysforic or dysforia? or seasonal affective or unipolar disorder? or cothymia or mourning syndrom* or pseudodementia or pseudo dementia or cyclothymi*).tw.



(neurotic disorder? or neuros#s or psychoneuros#s).tw.



(paraphilia* or paraphilic disorder? or (sex* adj (deviation? or perversion? or problem? or dysphoria?))).tw.



(personality disorder? or borderline or (disorder? adj2 adult adj2 personalit*)).tw.



(schizophren* or ((multiple or dual or split) adj (personalit* or identit*)) or schizoaffective or schizo affective or schizophreniform disorder? or "shared paranoid disorder?" or "folie a deux" or "folie a trois" or "folie a famille" or hebephrenia* or hebephrenic? or delusional or paraphrenia? or schizotypal or "negative syndrom*" or "positive syndrom*").tw.



(psychotic* or psychosis* or psychoses*).tw.



(trauma disorder? or psychotrauma? or psycho trauma? or psychological trauma? or psychologic trauma? or sexual trauma? or sexual abuse trauma? or sexual assault trauma? or ((stress or stressor) adj disorder?) or (("stress related" or "stressor related" or stressrelated or stressorrelated) adj disorder?) or ptsd or post traumatic or posttraumatic or battered child syndrom* or adjustment disorder?).tw.



Mental Health Services/ or Community Mental Health Services/ or (mental health service* or mental hygiene service* or assertive community treatment).tw.



Community Mental Health Centers/ or Public Mental Health/ or Community Mental Health/



Psychiatric Patients/ or ((mental* or psychiatric*) adj3 (patient? or person*)).tw.



Dual Diagnosis/ or dual diagnos#s.tw.



"substance related and addictive disorders"/ or "substance use disorder"/ or Addiction/ or Drug Addiction/ or Drug Withdrawal/ or Alcohol Withdrawal/ or "Alcohol Use Disorder"/ or Alcohol Abuse/ or Alcoholism/ or Alcoholic Psychosis/ or Binge Drinking/ or exp Alcohol Intoxication/ or "Cannabis Use Disorder"/ or exp Drug Abuse/ or Drug Dependency/ or exp "Opioid Use Disorder"/ or Drug Abstinence/ or exp Addiction Treatment/ or exp Maintenance Therapy/



((pharma* or medic* or drug? or substance or narcotic* or inhalant or opiate or opioid or opium or morphine or methadone or amphetamine or methamphetamine or cocaine or marijuana or marihuana or cannabis or hashish or ganja? or heroin) adj2 (dependenc* or addiction? or addict? or abuse* or misus* or overdose* or overus* or overutili#ation or craving? or "use disorder?" or habituation or problem?)).tw.



(((amphetamine or methamphetamine or cocaine) adj2 "use?") or ((marijuana or marihuana or cannabis or hashish or ganja? or heroin) adj2 (smoking or "use?"))).tw.



((opioid* or opiate) adj induced adj (constipation or emesis or vomiting or hyperalgesia)).tw.



Alcoholics/ or Drinking Behavior/ or Driving Under the Influence/



(((alcohol* or Ethanol) adj3 (consumption or intake or problem? or disorder? or overus* or misus* or drink* or dependenc* or addiction? or addict? or abuse* or abusing or beverage? or intoxicat* or harm* or binge)) or "alcohol use?" or alcoholi*).tw.



((drink* adj2 (problem? or environment or hazard* or heavy* or episodic or excessive or harm* or binge? or behavior or behaviour)) or (driving adj3 (influence or drunk*))).tw.



Drug Users/ or Marijuana Usage/ or Intravenous Drug Usage/ or Drug Seeking/



("drug seeking" adj (behavior or behaviour)).tw.



("drug user?" or toxicomani* or dipsomania* or "polydrug use*" or "polydrug abuse*" or "multidrug use*" or "multidrug abuse*" or "multiple drug use*" or "multiple drug abuse*" or narcotism or heroinism or "illicit drug inhalation" or "glue sniffing" or "glue abuse*" or "drug diversion?" or "drug induced disease*" or "drug disease*" or "drug injur*" or "drug related disease*").tw.



((Ethanolrelated or Substancerelated or Amphetaminerelated or Cocainerelated or Narcoticrelated or ethanolinduced or substanceinduced or amphetamineinduced or cocaineinduced or narcoticinduced) adj1 disorder?).tw.



((abstinence or cessation or discontinuation or withdrawal) adj1 (symptom? or syndrom*)).tw.



Harm Reduction/ or Community Welfare Services/ or "Welfare Services (Government)"/



(welfare service* or harm reduction).tw.






client participation/ or patient centered care/ or decision making/ or cooperation/ or Collaboration/ or involvement/ or participation/ or empowerment/ or community involvement/ or therapeutic alliance/ or Group Decision Making/ or "Recovery (Disorders)"/ or Coercion/ or Self-Management/ or Support Groups/



(((client? or consumer* or patient* or person? or user* or carer? or caregiver* or famil* or parent?) adj4 (centered* or centred* or choice* or collabor* or empower* or engag* or expectation* or involv* or judgement* or mediated or oriented or participat* or preference* or voice* or cooperat* or co-operat*)) or ((client? or consumer* or patient* or person? or user*) adj driven) or (shared adj2 decision) or co-product* or coproduct* or co-creat* or cocreat* or co-design* or codesign* or co-opt* or coopt* or ((Treatment or therapeutic) adj (alliance* or engagement)) or ((Public or citizen) adj4 (involvement* or participation* or engagement*)) or ((stakeholder* or "stake holder*") adj4 (consult* or collabor* or engag* or involv* or participat*))).tw.



((maintenance or family or drug free or coercive) adj treatment*).tw.



(empowerment or coercion or recovery or peer support or shared responsibilit* or self management).tw.






31 and 36



limit 37 to "qualitative (best balance of sensitivity and specificity)"



Qualitative Methods/ or Focus Group/ or Focus Group Interview/ or Grounded Theory/ or Ethnography/ or Ethnology/ or Phenomenology/ or Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis/ or Interviews/ or Interviewing/ or Semi-Structured Interview/ or Thematic Analysis/ or Narrative Analysis/



(((Dependent? or user? or consumer? or patient? or individual? or people? or addict? or client? or person? or carer? or caregiver* or famil* or parent?) adj4 (experience* or view? or interview* or perceive? or perception? or feel or feels or felt or feeling? or attitude? or perspective?)) or qualitative or "Focus Group?" or "ethnographic research" or "ethnography" or "Ethnological Research" or ethnology or "Grounded Theory" or "phenomenological research" or phenomenology or "thematic analysis" or (Narrative adj4 (Analysis or inquiry))).tw.



37 and (39 or 40)



38 or 41



(Scandinavia* or scandinavic or nordic countries or Sweden or swedish or swede? or Sverige or Denmark or danish or Danmark or Finland or "Aland islands" or finnish or finn? or Suomi or Iceland or icelandic or icelander?).in,cq,lo,tw,lg,ca.



(sjukhus* or centralsjukhus* or laenssjukhus* or lanssjukhus* or lansdelssjukhus* or laensdelssjukhus* or barnsjukhus* or ungdomssjukhus* or lasarett* or Regionsjukhus* or Narsjukhus* or Naersjukhus* or Specialistsjukhus* or Beckombergasykehuset or "Danvikens hospital" or Konradsberg or "karolinska institute?" or (karolinska adj2 hosp*) or ("astrid lindgren" adj2 hosp*) or sahlgrenska or Radiumhemmet or Sophiahemmet or Sodersjukhuset or Soedersjukhuset or Blekingesjukhuset or Anestesiklinik* or Linneuniversitetet or Mittuniversitetet or "Royal Institute of Technology" or ((Universitet* or universit* or univ) adj2 (norrland* or skaane? or skane? or lindkoping or orebro or lindkoeping or oerebro or lund or lunds or uppsala or gothenborg? or gothenburg? or goteborg? or goteburg? or goethenborg? or goethenburg? or goeteborg? or goeteburg? or umeaa? or umea? or luleaa or lulea or karlstad? or vaxjo or vaexjo or vaxjoe or vaexjoe or kalmar or tekniska or Linnaeus or Chalmers or malmo or malmoe or Malardalen? or Maelardalen? or karolinska))).cq,in,tw,ca.



(Blekinge or dalarna? or gotland or gavleborg? or gaevleborg? or halland or jamtland* or jaemtland* or jonkoping? or joenkoping? or kalmar? or kronoberg? or norbotten or skaane or skane or stockholm? or sodermanland? or soedermanland? or uppsala? or varmland? or vaermland? or vasterbotten? or vaesterbotten? or vasternorrland? or vaesternorrland? or vastmanland? or vaestmanland? or gotaland? or orebro? or "oster gotland?" or goetaland? or oerebro? or "oester gotland?").cq,in,tw,ca.



(sygehus* or ((Universitet* or universit* or hospital* or hosp) adj3 (amager* or Augustenborg* or Bornholm* or farso* or give or herning* or hobro* or koge or koege or oringe* or randers or ringsted* or skagen* or "sct. hans*" or tarm or tonder* or toender* or thisted* or vejle* or viborg* or Aalborg* or aarhus* or Alborg* or arhus*)) or Specialhospital* or Universitetshospital* or Regionshospital* or "Psykiatrisk Cent*" or "Psykoterapeutisk Cent*" or Psykiatricenter* or Kommunehospital* or Centralsygeh* or "Hammel Neurocenter*" or "Vest Ribe*" or Aabenraa* or Abenra* or Aeroskobing* or Aroskobing* or Aeroeskobing* or Aroeskobing* or allerup* or Bispebjerg* or Bronderslev* or Broenderslev* or copenhagen* or Esbjerg* or Fakse or Fredericia* or Frederiksberg* or frederikshavn* or Gentofte* or Glostrup* or Grenaa* or Grena* or Grindsted* or Haderslev* or Herlev* or Hjorring* or Hjoerring* or holbaek* or Holbak* or Holstebro* or Horsens* or hovedstaden* or Hvidovre* or Kalundborg* or kobenhavn* or koebenhavn* or Kolding* or Korsor* or Korsoer* or Lemvig* or Middelfart* or Midtjylland* or Naestved* or Nakskov* or Nastved* or Nordjylland* or Nordsjaelland* or Nordsjalland* or Nykobing* or Nykoebing* or Odense* or Poppelhus* or Rigshospitalet* or Ringkobing* or Ringkoebing* or Risskov* or Roskilde* or Silkeborg* or Sjaelland* or Sjalland* or Skanderborg* or Skejby* or Slagelse* or Sonderborg* or Soenderborg* or Stolpegaard* or Svendborg* or Syddanmark* or sydvestjysk* or Syddansk* or "Tekniske Universitet*" or "IT Universitetet*" or ITUniversitetet* or "aarhus univ*" or "aalborg univ*" or "U of Aarhus*" or "U of aalborg*" or "Univ of Aarhus*" or "Univ of aalborg*" or "arhus univ*" or "alborg univ*" or "U of Arhus*" or "U of alborg*" or "Univ of Arhus*" or "Univ of alborg*").cq,in,tw,ca.



ugeskrift for laeger.jn.






42 and 48



limit 49 to yr="2012 -Current"


Database: Scopus

Dato: 06.05.2022
Antall treff: 126

Søk i Scopus





( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( mental*  OR  psychiatric  OR  neuropsychiatric  OR  psychic )  PRE/0  ( disorder*  OR  disease*  OR  ill*  OR  disturbance*  OR  distress  OR  treatment* ) )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( anxiety  OR  anxieties )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( bipolar*  OR  mania  OR  manias  OR  manic  OR  manicdepressive  OR  maniodepressive  OR  "manio depressive"  OR  hypomani*  OR  hyperthymi*  OR  "rapid cycling*"  OR  "mixed episode*" )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( mood  OR  affective )  PRE/0  ( disorder  OR  disorders  OR  disturbance*  OR  illness* ) )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( depression  OR  depressions  OR  depressive  OR  depressed  OR  melancholi*  OR  dysthymic  OR  dysthymia*  OR  dysphoric  OR  dysphoria*  OR  dysforic  OR  dysforia*  OR  "seasonal affective"  OR  "unipolar disorder*"  OR  cothymia  OR  "mourning syndrom*"  OR  pseudodementia  OR  "pseudo dementia"  OR  cyclothymi* )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "neurotic disorder*"  OR  neurosis  OR  neuroses  OR  psychoneurosis  OR  psychoneuroses )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( paraphilia*  OR  "paraphilic disorder*"  OR  ( sex*  PRE/0  ( deviation*  OR  perversion*  OR  problem  OR  problems  OR  dysphoria* ) ) )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "personality disorder*"  OR  borderline  OR  ( disorder*  W/1  adult  W/1  personalit* ) )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( schizophren*  OR  ( ( multiple  OR  dual  OR  split )  PRE/0  ( personalit*  OR  identit* ) )  OR  schizoaffective  OR  "schizo affective"  OR  "schizophreniform disorder*"  OR  "shared paranoid disorder*"  OR  "folie a deux"  OR  "folie a trois"  OR  "folie a famille"  OR  hebephrenia*  OR  hebephrenic*  OR  delusional  OR  paraphrenia*  OR  schizotypal  OR  "negative syndrom*"  OR  "positive syndrom*" )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( psychotic*  OR  psychosis*  OR  psychoses* )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "trauma disorder*"  OR  psychotrauma*  OR  "psycho trauma*"  OR  "psychological trauma*"  OR  "psychologic trauma*"  OR  "sexual trauma*"  OR  "sexual abuse trauma*"  OR  "sexual assault trauma*"  OR  ( ( stress  OR  stressor )  PRE/0  disorder* )  OR  ( ( "stress related"  OR  "stressor related"  OR  stressrelated  OR  stressorrelated )  PRE/0  disorder* )  OR  ptsd  OR  "post traumatic"  OR  posttraumatic  OR  "battered child syndrom*"  OR  "adjustment disorder*" )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "mental health service*"  OR  "mental hygiene service*"  OR  "assertive community treatment" )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ((mental* OR psychiatric*) W/2 (patient* OR person*))  OR  "dual diagnosis"  OR  "dual diagnoses" )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( pharma*  OR  medic*  OR  drug  OR  drugs  OR  substance  OR  narcotic*  OR  inhalant  OR  opiate  OR  opioid  OR  opium  OR  morphine  OR  methadone  OR  amphetamine  OR  methamphetamine  OR  cocaine  OR  marijuana  OR  marihuana  OR  cannabis  OR  hashish  OR  ganja*  OR  heroin )  W/1  ( dependenc*  OR  addiction  OR  addictions  OR  addict  OR  addicts  OR  abuse*  OR  misus*  OR  overdose*  OR  overus*  OR  overutilization  OR  overutilisation  OR  craving  OR  cravings  OR  "use disorder"  OR  "use disorders"  OR  habituation  OR  problem  OR  problems ) )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( ( amphetamine  OR  methamphetamine  OR  cocaine )  W/1  ( "use"  OR  "uses" ) )  OR  ( ( marijuana  OR  marihuana  OR  cannabis  OR  hashish  OR  ganja*  OR  heroin )  W/1  ( smoking  OR  "use"  OR  "uses" ) ) )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( opioid*  OR  opiate )  PRE/0  induced  PRE/0  ( constipation  OR  emesis  OR  vomiting  OR  hyperalgesia ) )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( ( alcohol*  OR  ethanol )  W/2  ( consumption  OR  intake  OR  problem  OR  problems  OR  disorder  OR  disorders  OR  overus*  OR  misus*  OR  drink*  OR  dependenc*  OR  addiction  OR  addictions  OR  addict  OR  addicts  OR  abuse*  OR  abusing  OR  beverage  OR  beverages  OR  intoxicat*  OR  harm*  OR  binge ) )  OR  "alcohol use"  OR  "alcohol uses"  OR  alcoholi* )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( drink*  W/1  ( problem  OR  problems  OR  environment  OR  hazard*  OR  heavy*  OR  episodic  OR  excessive  OR  harm*  OR  binge  OR  binges  OR  behavior  OR  behaviour ) )  OR  ( driving  W/2  ( influence  OR  drunk* ) ) )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "drug seeking"  PRE/0  ( behavior  OR  behaviour ) )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "drug user"  OR  "drug users"  OR  toxicomani*  OR  dipsomania*  OR  "polydrug use*"  OR  "polydrug abuse*"  OR  "multidrug use*"  OR  "multidrug abuse*"  OR  "multiple drug use*" OR "multiple drug abuse*" OR  narcotism  OR  heroinism  OR  "illicit drug inhalation"  OR  "glue sniffing"  OR  "glue abuse*"  OR  "drug diversion"  OR  "drug diversions"  OR  "drug induced disease*"  OR  "drug disease*"  OR  "drug injur*"  OR  "drug related disease*" )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( ethanolrelated  OR  substancerelated  OR  amphetaminerelated  OR  cocainerelated  OR  narcoticrelated  OR  ethanolinduced  OR  substanceinduced  OR  amphetamineinduced  OR  cocaineinduced  OR  narcoticinduced )  W/0  disorder* )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( abstinence  OR  cessation  OR  discontinuation  OR  withdrawal )  W/0  ( symptom  OR  symptoms  OR  syndrom* ) )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "welfare service*"  OR  "harm reduction" ) )



( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( ( client  OR  clients  OR  consumer*  OR  patient*  OR  person  OR  persons  OR  user*  OR  carer  OR  carers  OR  caregiver*  OR  famil*  OR  parent  OR  parents )  W/3  ( centered*  OR  centred*  OR  choice*  OR  collabor*  OR  empower*  OR  engag*  OR  expectation*  OR  involv*  OR  judgement*  OR  mediated  OR  oriented  OR  participat*  OR  preference*  OR  voice*  OR  cooperat* OR "co-operat*" ) )  OR  ( ( client  OR  clients  OR  consumer*  OR  patient*  OR  person  OR  persons  OR  user* )  PRE/0  driven )  OR  ( shared  W/1  decision )  OR  "co-product*"  OR  coproduct*  OR  "co-creat*"  OR  cocreat*  OR  "co-design*"  OR  codesign*  OR  "co-opt*"  OR  coopt*  OR  ( ( treatment  OR  therapeutic )  PRE/0  ( alliance*  OR  engagement ) )  OR  ( ( public  OR  citizen )  W/3  ( involvement*  OR  participation*  OR  engagement* ) )  OR  ( (stakeholder* OR "stake holder*")  W/3  ( consult*  OR  collabor*  OR  engag*  OR  involv*  OR  participat* ) ) )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( maintenance  OR  family  OR  "drug free"  OR  coercive )  PRE/0  treatment* )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( empowerment  OR  coercion  OR  recovery  OR  "peer support"  OR  "shared responsibilit*"  OR  "self management" ) )



TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( ( dependent*  OR  user  OR  users  OR  consumer*  OR  patient  OR  patients  OR  individual  OR  individuals  OR  people*  OR  addict  OR  addicts  OR  client  OR  clients  OR  person  OR  persons  OR  carer  OR  carers  OR  caregiver*  OR  famil*  OR  parent  OR  parents )  W/3  ( experience*  OR  view  OR  views  OR  interview*  OR  perceive  OR  perceives  OR  perception*  OR  feel  OR  feels  OR  felt  OR  feeling  OR  feelings  OR  attitude*  OR  perspective* ) )  OR  qualitative  OR  "Focus Group*"  OR  "ethnographic research"  OR  ethnography  OR  "Ethnological Research"  OR  ethnology  OR  "Grounded Theory"  OR  "phenomenological research"  OR  phenomenology  OR  "thematic analysis"  OR  ( narrative  W/3  ( analysis  OR  inquiry ) ) )



( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( scandinavia*  OR  scandinavic  OR  "nordic countries"  OR  sweden  OR  swedish  OR  swede  OR  swedes  OR  sverige  OR  denmark  OR  danish  OR  danmark  OR  finland  OR  "Aland islands"  OR  finnish  OR  finn  OR  finns  OR  suomi  OR  iceland  OR  icelandic  OR  icelander* )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( sjukhus*  OR  centralsjukhus*  OR  laenssjukhus*  OR  lanssjukhus*  OR  lansdelssjukhus*  OR  laensdelssjukhus*  OR  barnsjukhus*  OR  ungdomssjukhus*  OR  lasarett*  OR  regionsjukhus*  OR  narsjukhus*  OR  naersjukhus*  OR  specialistsjukhus*  OR  beckombergasykehuset  OR  "Danvikens hospital"  OR  konradsberg  OR  "karolinska institute?"  OR  ( karolinska  W/1  hosp* )  OR  ( "astrid lindgren"  W/1  hosp* )  OR  sahlgrenska  OR  radiumhemmet  OR  sophiahemmet  OR  sodersjukhuset  OR  soedersjukhuset  OR  blekingesjukhuset  OR  anestesiklinik*  OR  linneuniversitetet  OR  mittuniversitetet  OR  "Royal Institute of Technology"  OR  ( ( universitet*  OR  universit*  OR  univ )  W/1  ( norrland*  OR  skaane*  OR  skane*  OR  lindkoping  OR  orebro  OR  lindkoeping  OR  oerebro  OR  lund  OR  lunds  OR  uppsala  OR  gothenborg*  OR  gothenburg*  OR  goteborg*  OR  goteburg*  OR  goethenborg*  OR  goethenburg*  OR  goeteborg*  OR  goeteburg*  OR  umeaa*  OR  umea*  OR  luleaa  OR  lulea  OR  karlstad*  OR  vaxjo  OR  vaexjo  OR  vaxjoe  OR  vaexjoe  OR  kalmar  OR  tekniska  OR  linnaeus  OR  chalmers  OR  malmo  OR  malmoe  OR  malardalen*  OR  maelardalen*  OR  karolinska ) ) )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( blekinge  OR  dalarna*  OR  gotland  OR  gavleborg*  OR  gaevleborg*  OR  halland  OR  jamtland*  OR  jaemtland*  OR  jonkoping*  OR  joenkoping*  OR  kalmar*  OR  kronoberg*  OR  norbotten  OR  skaane  OR  skane  OR  stockholm*  OR  sodermanland*  OR  soedermanland*  OR  uppsala*  OR  varmland*  OR  vaermland*  OR  vasterbotten*  OR  vaesterbotten*  OR  vasternorrland*  OR  vaesternorrland*  OR  vastmanland*  OR  vaestmanland*  OR  gotaland*  OR  orebro*  OR  "oster gotland?"  OR  goetaland*  OR  oerebro*  OR  "oester gotland*" )  OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( sygehus*  OR  ( ( universitet*  OR  universit*  OR  hospital*  OR  hosp )  W/2  ( amager*  OR  augustenborg*  OR  bornholm*  OR  farso*  OR  give  OR  herning*  OR  hobro*  OR  koge  OR  koege  OR  oringe*  OR  randers  OR  ringsted*  OR  skagen*  OR  "sct. hans*"  OR  tarm  OR  tonder*  OR  toender*  OR  thisted*  OR  vejle*  OR  viborg*  OR  aalborg*  OR  aarhus*  OR  alborg*  OR  arhus* ) )  OR  specialhospital*  OR  universitetshospital*  OR  regionshospital*  OR  "Psykiatrisk Cent*"  OR  "Psykoterapeutisk Cent*"  OR  psykiatricenter*  OR  kommunehospital*  OR  centralsygeh*  OR  "Hammel Neurocenter*"  OR  "Vest Ribe*"  OR  aabenraa*  OR  abenra*  OR  aeroskobing*  OR  aroskobing*  OR  aeroeskobing*  OR  aroeskobing*  OR  allerup*  OR  bispebjerg*  OR  bronderslev*  OR  broenderslev*  OR  copenhagen*  OR  esbjerg*  OR  fakse  OR  fredericia*  OR  frederiksberg*  OR  frederikshavn*  OR  gentofte*  OR  glostrup*  OR  grenaa*  OR  grena*  OR  grindsted*  OR  haderslev*  OR  herlev*  OR  hjorring*  OR  hjoerring*  OR  holbaek*  OR  holbak*  OR  holstebro*  OR  horsens*  OR  hovedstaden*  OR  hvidovre*  OR  kalundborg*  OR  kobenhavn*  OR  koebenhavn*  OR  kolding*  OR  korsor*  OR  korsoer*  OR  lemvig*  OR  middelfart*  OR  midtjylland*  OR  naestved*  OR  nakskov*  OR  nastved*  OR  nordjylland*  OR  nordsjaelland*  OR  nordsjalland*  OR  nykobing*  OR  nykoebing*  OR  odense*  OR  poppelhus*  OR  rigshospitalet*  OR  ringkobing*  OR  ringkoebing*  OR  risskov*  OR  roskilde*  OR  silkeborg*  OR  sjaelland*  OR  sjalland*  OR  skanderborg*  OR  skejby*  OR  slagelse*  OR  sonderborg*  OR  soenderborg*  OR  stolpegaard*  OR  svendborg*  OR  syddanmark*  OR  sydvestjysk*  OR  syddansk*  OR  "Tekniske Universitet*"  OR  "IT Universitetet*"  OR  ituniversitetet*  OR  "aarhus univ*"  OR  "aalborg univ*"  OR  "U of Aarhus*"  OR  "U of aalborg*"  OR  "Univ of Aarhus*"  OR  "Univ of aalborg*"  OR  "arhus univ*"  OR  "alborg univ*"  OR  "U of Arhus*"  OR  "U of alborg*"  OR  "Univ of Arhus*"  OR  "Univ of alborg*" ) )



#1 AND #2 AND #3 AND #4



#5 AND PUBYEAR  >  2011  AND NOT INDEX medline AND NOT ( PMID ( 0* OR 1* OR 2* OR 3* OR 4* OR 5* OR 6* OR 7* OR 8* OR 9* ) )


Database: Cinahl (EBSCO)

Dato: 06.05.2022 
Antall treff: 435

Søk i Cinahl (EBSCO)





S42 AND S48

Limiters - Published Date: 20120101-20221231; Exclude MEDLINE records



S42 AND S48

Limiters - Exclude MEDLINE records



S42 AND S48



S43 OR S44 OR S45 OR S46 OR S47



TI ( sygehus* or ((Universitet* or universit* or hospital* or hosp) N2 (amager* or Augustenborg* or Bornholm* or farso* or give or herning* or hobro* or koge or koege or oringe* or randers or ringsted* or skagen* or "sct. hans*" or tarm or tonder* or toender* or thisted* or vejle* or viborg* or Aalborg* or aarhus* or Alborg* or arhus*)) or Specialhospital* or Universitetshospital* or Regionshospital* or "Psykiatrisk Cent*" or "Psykoterapeutisk Cent*" or Psykiatricenter* or Kommunehospital* or Centralsygeh* or "Hammel Neurocenter*" or "Vest Ribe*" or Aabenraa* or Abenra* or Aeroskobing* or Aroskobing* or Aeroeskobing* or Aroeskobing* or allerup* or Bispebjerg* or Bronderslev* or Broenderslev* or copenhagen* or Esbjerg* or Fakse or Fredericia* or Frederiksberg* or frederikshavn* or Gentofte* or Glostrup* or Grenaa* or Grena* or Grindsted* or Haderslev* or Herlev* or Hjorring* or Hjoerring* or holbaek* or Holbak* or Holstebro* or Horsens* or hovedstaden* or Hvidovre* or Kalundborg* or kobenhavn* or koebenhavn* or Kolding* or Korsor* or Korsoer* or Lemvig* or Middelfart* or Midtjylland* or Naestved* or Nakskov* or Nastved* or Nordjylland* or Nordsjaelland* or Nordsjalland* or Nykobing* or Nykoebing* or Odense* or Poppelhus* or Rigshospitalet* or Ringkobing* or Ringkoebing* or Risskov* or Roskilde* or Silkeborg* or Sjaelland* or Sjalland* or Skanderborg* or Skejby* or Slagelse* or Sonderborg* or Soenderborg* or Stolpegaard* or Svendborg* or Syddanmark* or sydvestjysk* or Syddansk* or "Tekniske Universitet*" or "IT Universitetet*" or ITUniversitetet* or "aarhus univ*" or "aalborg univ*" or "U of Aarhus*" or "U of aalborg*" or "Univ of Aarhus*" or "Univ of aalborg*" or "arhus univ*" or "alborg univ*" or "U of Arhus*" or "U of alborg*" or "Univ of Arhus*" or "Univ of alborg*" ) OR AB ( sygehus* or ((Universitet* or universit* or hospital* or hosp) N2 (amager* or Augustenborg* or Bornholm* or farso* or give or herning* or hobro* or koge or koege or oringe* or randers or ringsted* or skagen* or "sct. hans*" or tarm or tonder* or toender* or thisted* or vejle* or viborg* or Aalborg* or aarhus* or Alborg* or arhus*)) or Specialhospital* or Universitetshospital* or Regionshospital* or "Psykiatrisk Cent*" or "Psykoterapeutisk Cent*" or Psykiatricenter* or Kommunehospital* or Centralsygeh* or "Hammel Neurocenter*" or "Vest Ribe*" or Aabenraa* or Abenra* or Aeroskobing* or Aroskobing* or Aeroeskobing* or Aroeskobing* or allerup* or Bispebjerg* or Bronderslev* or Broenderslev* or copenhagen* or Esbjerg* or Fakse or Fredericia* or Frederiksberg* or frederikshavn* or Gentofte* or Glostrup* or Grenaa* or Grena* or Grindsted* or Haderslev* or Herlev* or Hjorring* or Hjoerring* or holbaek* or Holbak* or Holstebro* or Horsens* or hovedstaden* or Hvidovre* or Kalundborg* or kobenhavn* or koebenhavn* or Kolding* or Korsor* or Korsoer* or Lemvig* or Middelfart* or Midtjylland* or Naestved* or Nakskov* or Nastved* or Nordjylland* or Nordsjaelland* or Nordsjalland* or Nykobing* or Nykoebing* or Odense* or Poppelhus* or Rigshospitalet* or Ringkobing* or Ringkoebing* or Risskov* or Roskilde* or Silkeborg* or Sjaelland* or Sjalland* or Skanderborg* or Skejby* or Slagelse* or Sonderborg* or Soenderborg* or Stolpegaard* or Svendborg* or Syddanmark* or sydvestjysk* or Syddansk* or "Tekniske Universitet*" or "IT Universitetet*" or ITUniversitetet* or "aarhus univ*" or "aalborg univ*" or "U of Aarhus*" or "U of aalborg*" or "Univ of Aarhus*" or "Univ of aalborg*" or "arhus univ*" or "alborg univ*" or "U of Arhus*" or "U of alborg*" or "Univ of Arhus*" or "Univ of alborg*" )



TI ( Blekinge or dalarna# or gotland or gavleborg# or gaevleborg# or halland or jamtland* or jaemtland* or jonkoping# or joenkoping# or kalmar# or kronoberg# or norbotten or skaane or skane or stockholm# or sodermanland# or soedermanland# or uppsala# or varmland# or vaermland# or vasterbotten# or vaesterbotten# or vasternorrland# or vaesternorrland# or vastmanland# or vaestmanland# or gotaland# or orebro# or "oster gotland#" or goetaland# or oerebro# or "oester gotland#" ) OR AB ( Blekinge or dalarna# or gotland or gavleborg# or gaevleborg# or halland or jamtland* or jaemtland* or jonkoping# or joenkoping# or kalmar# or kronoberg# or norbotten or skaane or skane or stockholm# or sodermanland# or soedermanland# or uppsala# or varmland# or vaermland# or vasterbotten# or vaesterbotten# or vasternorrland# or vaesternorrland# or vastmanland# or vaestmanland# or gotaland# or orebro# or "oster gotland#" or goetaland# or oerebro# or "oester gotland#" )



TI ( sjukhus* or centralsjukhus* or laenssjukhus* or lanssjukhus* or lansdelssjukhus* or laensdelssjukhus* or barnsjukhus* or ungdomssjukhus* or lasarett* or Regionsjukhus* or Narsjukhus* or Naersjukhus* or Specialistsjukhus* or Beckombergasykehuset or "Danvikens hospital" or Konradsberg or "karolinska institute#" or (karolinska N1 hosp*) or ("astrid lindgren" N1 hosp*) or sahlgrenska or Radiumhemmet or Sophiahemmet or Sodersjukhuset or Soedersjukhuset or Blekingesjukhuset or Anestesiklinik* or Linneuniversitetet or Mittuniversitetet or "Royal Institute of Technology" or ((Universitet* or universit* or univ) N1 (norrland* or skaane# or skane# or lindkoping or orebro or lindkoeping or oerebro or lund or lunds or uppsala or gothenborg# or gothenburg# or goteborg# or goteburg# or goethenborg# or goethenburg# or goeteborg# or goeteburg# or umeaa# or umea# or luleaa or lulea or karlstad# or vaxjo or vaexjo or vaxjoe or vaexjoe or kalmar or tekniska or Linnaeus or Chalmers or malmo or malmoe or Malardalen# or Maelardalen# or karolinska)) ) OR AB ( sjukhus* or centralsjukhus* or laenssjukhus* or lanssjukhus* or lansdelssjukhus* or laensdelssjukhus* or barnsjukhus* or ungdomssjukhus* or lasarett* or Regionsjukhus* or Narsjukhus* or Naersjukhus* or Specialistsjukhus* or Beckombergasykehuset or "Danvikens hospital" or Konradsberg or "karolinska institute#" or (karolinska N1 hosp*) or ("astrid lindgren" N1 hosp*) or sahlgrenska or Radiumhemmet or Sophiahemmet or Sodersjukhuset or Soedersjukhuset or Blekingesjukhuset or Anestesiklinik* or Linneuniversitetet or Mittuniversitetet or "Royal Institute of Technology" or ((Universitet* or universit* or univ) N1 (norrland* or skaane# or skane# or lindkoping or orebro or lindkoeping or oerebro or lund or lunds or uppsala or gothenborg# or gothenburg# or goteborg# or goteburg# or goethenborg# or goethenburg# or goeteborg# or goeteburg# or umeaa# or umea# or luleaa or lulea or karlstad# or vaxjo or vaexjo or vaxjoe or vaexjoe or kalmar or tekniska or Linnaeus or Chalmers or malmo or malmoe or Malardalen# or Maelardalen# or karolinska)) )



TI ( (Scandinavia* or scandinavic or "nordic countries" or Sweden or swedish or swede# or Sverige or Denmark or danish or Danmark or Finland or "Aland islands" or finnish or finn# or Suomi or Iceland or icelandic or icelander#) ) OR AB ( (Scandinavia* or scandinavic or "nordic countries" or Sweden or swedish or swede# or Sverige or Denmark or danish or Danmark or Finland or "Aland islands" or finnish or finn# or Suomi or Iceland or icelandic or icelander#) ) OR LA ( (Scandinavia* or scandinavic or "nordic countries" or Sweden or swedish or swede# or Sverige or Denmark or danish or Danmark or Finland or "Aland islands" or finnish or finn# or Suomi or Iceland or icelandic or icelander#) )



(MH "Sweden") OR (MH "Finland") OR (MH "Denmark") OR (MH "Iceland")



S37 OR S41



S36 AND S40



S38 OR S39



TI ( ((Dependent# or user# or consumer# or patient# or individual# or people# or addict# or client# or person# or carer# or caregiver* or famil* or parent#) N3 (experience* or view# or interview* or perceive# or perception# or feel or feels or felt or feeling# or attitude# or perspective#)) or qualitative or "Focus Group#" or "ethnographic research" or ethnography or "Ethnological Research" or ethnology or "Grounded Theory" or "phenomenological research" or phenomenology or "thematic analysis" or (Narrative N3 (Analysis or inquiry)) ) OR AB ( ((Dependent# or user# or consumer# or patient# or individual# or people# or addict# or client# or person# or carer# or caregiver* or famil* or parent#) N3 (experience* or view# or interview* or perceive# or perception# or feel or feels or felt or feeling# or attitude# or perspective#)) or qualitative or "Focus Group#" or "ethnographic research" or ethnography or "Ethnological Research" or ethnology or "Grounded Theory" or "phenomenological research" or phenomenology or "thematic analysis" or (Narrative N3 (Analysis or inquiry)) )



(MH "Qualitative Studies") OR (MH "Focus Groups") OR (MH "Grounded Theory") OR (MH "Ethnographic Research") OR (MH "Ethnological Research") OR (MH "Phenomenological Research") OR (MH "Phenomenology") OR (MH "Interviews+") OR (MH "Thematic Analysis")



S30 AND S35

Limiters - Clinical Queries: Qualitative - Best Balance



S30 AND S35



S31 OR S32 OR S33 OR S34



TI ( empowerment or coercion or recovery or "peer support" or "shared responsibilit*" or "self management" ) OR AB ( empowerment or coercion or recovery or "peer support" or "shared responsibilit*" or "self management" )



TI ( (maintenance or family or "drug free" or coercive) W0 treatment* ) OR AB ( (maintenance or family or "drug free" or coercive) W0 treatment* )



TI ( ((client# or consumer* or patient* or person# or user* or carer# or caregiver* or famil* or parent#) N3 (centered* or centred* or choice* or collabor* or empower* or engag* or expectation* or involv* or judgement* or mediated or oriented or participat* or preference* or voice* or cooperat* or "co-operat*")) or ((client# or consumer* or patient* or person# or user*) W0 driven) or (shared N1 decision) or "co-product*" or coproduct* or "co-creat*" or cocreat* or "co-design*" or codesign* or "co-opt*" or coopt* or ((Treatment or therapeutic) W0 (alliance* or engagement)) or ((Public or citizen) N3 (involvement* or participation* or engagement*)) or ((stakeholder* or "stake holder*") N3 (consult* or collabor* or engag* or involv* or participat*)) ) OR AB ( ((client# or consumer* or patient* or person# or user* or carer# or caregiver* or famil* or parent#) N3 (centered* or centred* or choice* or collabor* or empower* or engag* or expectation* or involv* or judgement* or mediated or oriented or participat* or preference* or voice* or cooperat* or "co-operat*")) or ((client# or consumer* or patient* or person# or user*) W0 driven) or (shared N1 decision) or "co-product*" or coproduct* or "co-creat*" or cocreat* or "co-design*" or codesign* or "co-opt*" or coopt* or ((Treatment or therapeutic) W0 (alliance* or engagement)) or ((Public or citizen) N3 (involvement* or participation* or engagement*)) or ((stakeholder* or "stake holder*") N3 (consult* or collabor* or engag* or involv* or participat*)) )



(MH "Consumer Participation") OR (MH "Patient Centered Care") OR (MH "Decision Making") OR (MH "Decision Making, Shared") OR (MH "Decision Support Techniques") OR (MH "Decision Making, Patient+") OR (MH "Therapeutic Alliance") OR (MH "Cooperative Behavior") OR (MH "Collaboration") OR (MH "Social Participation") OR (MH "Empowerment") OR (MH "Self-Management") OR (MH "Coercion") OR (MH "Support Groups") OR (MH "Recovery")



S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 OR S22 OR S23 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29



TI ( "welfare service*" or "harm reduction" ) OR AB ( "welfare service*" or "harm reduction" )



(MH "Harm Reduction") OR (MH "Social Welfare") OR (MH "Community Service") OR (MH "Substance Use Rehabilitation Programs") OR (MH "Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs+") OR (MH "Drug Rehabilitation Programs")



TI ( (abstinence or cessation or discontinuation or withdrawal) N0 (symptom# or syndrom*) ) OR AB ( (abstinence or cessation or discontinuation or withdrawal) N0 (symptom# or syndrom*) )



TI ( (Ethanolrelated or Substancerelated or Amphetaminerelated or Cocainerelated or Narcoticrelated or ethanolinduced or substanceinduced or amphetamineinduced or cocaineinduced or narcoticinduced) N0 disorder# ) OR AB ( (Ethanolrelated or Substancerelated or Amphetaminerelated or Cocainerelated or Narcoticrelated or ethanolinduced or substanceinduced or amphetamineinduced or cocaineinduced or narcoticinduced) N0 disorder# )



TI ( "drug user#" or toxicomani* or dipsomania* or "polydrug use*" or "polydrug abuse*" or "multidrug use*" or "multidrug abuse*" or "multiple drug use*" or "multiple drug abuse*" or narcotism or heroinism or "illicit drug inhalation" or "glue sniffing" or "glue abuse*" or "drug diversion#" or "drug induced disease*" or "drug disease*" or "drug injur*" or "drug related disease*" ) OR AB ( "drug user#" or toxicomani* or dipsomania* or "polydrug use*" or "polydrug abuse*" or "multidrug use*" or "multidrug abuse*" or "multiple drug use*" or "multiple drug abuse*" or narcotism or heroinism or "illicit drug inhalation" or "glue sniffing" or "glue abuse*" or "drug diversion#" or "drug induced disease*" or "drug disease*" or "drug injur*" or "drug related disease*" )



TI ( "drug seeking" W0 (behavior or behaviour) ) OR AB ( "drug seeking" W0 (behavior or behaviour) )



(MH "Substance Abusers+") OR (MH "Drinking Behavior+") OR (MH "Drug-Seeking Behavior")



TI ( (drink* N1 (problem# or environment or hazard* or heavy* or episodic or excessive or harm* or binge# or behavior or behaviour)) or (driving N2 (influence or drunk*)) ) OR AB ( (drink* N1 (problem# or environment or hazard* or heavy* or episodic or excessive or harm* or binge# or behavior or behaviour)) or (driving N2 (influence or drunk*)) )



TI ( ((alcohol* or Ethanol) N2 (consumption or intake or problem# or disorder# or overus* or misus* or drink* or dependenc* or addiction# or addict# or abuse* or abusing or beverage# or intoxicat* or harm* or binge)) or "alcohol use#" or alcoholi* ) OR AB ( ((alcohol* or Ethanol) N2 (consumption or intake or problem# or disorder# or overus* or misus* or drink* or dependenc* or addiction# or addict# or abuse* or abusing or beverage# or intoxicat* or harm* or binge)) or "alcohol use#" or alcoholi* )



TI ( (opioid* or opiate) W0 induced W0 (constipation or emesis or vomiting or hyperalgesia) ) OR AB ( (opioid* or opiate) W0 induced W0 (constipation or emesis or vomiting or hyperalgesia) )



TI ( ((amphetamine or methamphetamine or cocaine) N1 "use#") or ((marijuana or marihuana or cannabis or hashish or ganja# or heroin) N1 (smoking or "use#")) ) OR AB ( ((amphetamine or methamphetamine or cocaine) N1 "use#") or ((marijuana or marihuana or cannabis or hashish or ganja# or heroin) N1 (smoking or "use#")) )



TI ( (pharma* or medic* or drug# or substance or narcotic* or inhalant or opiate or opioid or opium or morphine or methadone or amphetamine or methamphetamine or cocaine or marijuana or marihuana or cannabis or hashish or ganja# or heroin) N1 (dependenc* or addiction# or addict# or abuse* or misus* or overdose* or overus* or overutili?ation or craving# or "use disorder#" or habituation or problem#) ) OR AB ( (pharma* or medic* or drug# or substance or narcotic* or inhalant or opiate or opioid or opium or morphine or methadone or amphetamine or methamphetamine or cocaine or marijuana or marihuana or cannabis or hashish or ganja# or heroin) N1 (dependenc* or addiction# or addict# or abuse* or misus* or overdose* or overus* or overutili?ation or craving# or "use disorder#" or habituation or problem#) )



(MH "Substance Use Disorders") OR (MH "Substance Abuse") OR (MH "Substance Dependence") OR (MH "Alcohol-Related Disorders") OR (MH "Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome") OR (MH "Alcoholic Intoxication+") OR (MH "Alcoholism") OR (MH "Psychoses, Substance-Induced") OR (MH "Psychoses, Alcoholic") OR (MH "Alcohol Abuse+") OR (MH "Inhalant Abuse") OR (MH "Substance Abuse, Intravenous") OR (MH "Substance Dependence") OR (MH "Substance Withdrawal Syndrome") OR (MH "Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome") OR (MH "Overdose+") OR (MH "Substance Abstinence+")



TI (((mental* or psychiatric*) N2 (patient# or person*)) or (psychiatric* N1 care) or "dual diagnos?s") OR AB (((mental* or psychiatric*) N2 (patient# or person*)) or (psychiatric* N1 care) or "dual diagnos?s")



(MH "Psychiatric Patients+") OR (MH "Diagnosis, Dual (Psychiatry)")



TI ( "mental health service*" or "mental hygiene service*" or "assertive community treatment" ) OR AB ( "mental health service*" or "mental hygiene service*" or "assertive community treatment" )



(MH "Mental Health Services") OR (MH "Community Mental Health Services")



TI ( "trauma disorder#" or psychotrauma# or "psycho trauma#" or "psychological trauma#" or "psychologic trauma#" or "sexual trauma#" or "sexual abuse trauma#" or "sexual assault trauma#" or ((stress or stressor) W0 disorder#) or (("stress related" or "stressor related" or stressrelated or stressorrelated) W0 disorder#) or ptsd or "post traumatic" or posttraumatic or "battered child syndrom*" or "adjustment disorder#" ) OR AB ( "trauma disorder#" or psychotrauma# or "psycho trauma#" or "psychological trauma#" or "psychologic trauma#" or "sexual trauma#" or "sexual abuse trauma#" or "sexual assault trauma#" or ((stress or stressor) W0 disorder#) or (("stress related" or "stressor related" or stressrelated or stressorrelated) W0 disorder#) or ptsd or "post traumatic" or posttraumatic or "battered child syndrom*" or "adjustment disorder#" )



TI ( psychotic* or psychosis* or psychoses* ) OR AB ( psychotic* or psychosis* or psychoses* )



TI ( schizophren* or ((multiple or dual or split) W0 (personalit* or identit*)) or schizoaffective or "schizo affective" or "schizophreniform disorder#" or "shared paranoid disorder#" or "folie a deux" or "folie a trois" or "folie a famille" or hebephrenia* or hebephrenic# or delusional or paraphrenia# or schizotypal or "negative syndrom*" or "positive syndrom*" ) OR AB ( schizophren* or ((multiple or dual or split) W0 (personalit* or identit*)) or schizoaffective or "schizo affective" or "schizophreniform disorder#" or "shared paranoid disorder#" or "folie a deux" or "folie a trois" or "folie a famille" or hebephrenia* or hebephrenic# or delusional or paraphrenia# or schizotypal or "negative syndrom*" or "positive syndrom*" )



TI ( "personality disorder#" or borderline or (disorder# N1 adult N1 personalit*) ) OR AB ( "personality disorder#" or borderline or (disorder# N1 adult N1 personalit*) )



TI ( paraphilia* or "paraphilic disorder#" or (sex* W0 (deviation# or perversion# or problem# or dysphoria#)) ) OR AB ( paraphilia* or "paraphilic disorder#" or (sex* W0 (deviation# or perversion# or problem# or dysphoria#)) )



TI ( "neurotic disorder#" or neuros?s or psychoneuros?s ) OR AB ( "neurotic disorder#" or neuros?s or psychoneuros?s )



TI ( depression# or depressive or depressed or melancholi* or dysthymic or dysthymia# or dysphoric or dysphoria# or dysforic or dysforia# or "seasonal affective" or "unipolar disorder#" or cothymia or "mourning syndrom*" or pseudodementia or "pseudo dementia" or cyclothymi* ) OR AB ( depression# or depressive or depressed or melancholi* or dysthymic or dysthymia# or dysphoric or dysphoria# or dysforic or dysforia# or "seasonal affective" or "unipolar disorder#" or cothymia or "mourning syndrom*" or pseudodementia or "pseudo dementia" or cyclothymi* )



TI ( (mood or affective) W0 (disorder# or disturbance# or illness*) ) OR AB ( (mood or affective) W0 (disorder# or disturbance# or illness*) )



TI ( bipolar* or mania# or manic or manicdepressive or maniodepressive or "manio depressive" or hypomani* or hyperthymi* or "rapid cycling#" or "mixed episode#" ) OR AB ( bipolar* or mania# or manic or manicdepressive or maniodepressive or "manio depressive" or hypomani* or hyperthymi* or "rapid cycling#" or "mixed episode#" )



TI ( anxiety or anxieties ) OR AB ( anxiety or anxieties )



TI ( ((mental* or psychiatric or neuropsychiatric or psychic) W0 (disorder* or disease# or ill* or disturbance* or distress or treatment*)) ) OR AB ( ((mental* or psychiatric or neuropsychiatric or psychic) W0 (disorder* or disease# or ill* or disturbance* or distress or treatment*)) )



(MH "Mental Disorders") OR (MH "Adjustment Disorders+") OR (MH "Mental Disorders, Chronic") OR (MH "Neurotic Disorders+") OR (MH "Anxiety") OR (MH "Paraphilias+") OR (MH "Personality Disorders+") OR (MH "Narcissism") OR (MH "Psychotic Disorders+")


Siste faglige endring: 22. september 2023