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Vedlegg 2.11. Referanser

  1. Palliative Medicine Curriculum for Medical Students, General Professional Training and Higher Specialist Training. Southampton: Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland; 1991
  2. Curriculum for Higher Specialist Training in Palliative Medicine, including Syllabus for Higher Specialist Training in Palliative Medicine. Southampton: Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland; 2001
  3. Report and Recommendations of a Workshop on Palliative Medicine Education and Training for Doctors in Europe. European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC); 1993
  4. Svensk läroplan i palliativ medicin. Svensk Förening för Palliativ Medicin; 2001  www.sfpm.se
  5. Smeding Rm, Westerberg Larsson H. The Nordic Core Curriculum in Palliative Care. Nordic Cancer Union; 2004
  6. Specialty Training Curriculum for Palliative Medicine. London: Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board; August 2010.
  7. A guide for the development of palliative nursing education in Europe. European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC); 2004
  8. Kompetanseområde i palliativ medisin. Prosjektplan. Helsedirektoratet: Fagrådet for kompetanseområdet palliativ medisin, 01. november 2010.
  9. Målbeskrivelse for kompetanseområdet palliativ medisin. Helsedirektoratet nov. 2010. 
  10. Nordic Specialist Course in Palliative Medicine. Danish Association for Palliative Medicine (DSPaM), Swedish Association for Palliative Medicine (SFPM), Norwegian Association for palliative Medicine (NFPM), Finnish Association for Palliative Medicine (SPLY), and Icelandic Association for Palliative Care; 2003 www.nscpm.org
  11. Sammen – mot kreft. Nasjonal kreftstrategi 2013-2017. Oslo: Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet; 2013. 
  12. Emneboken til Masterstudium i Klinisk ernæring. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo; 2007
  13. Veileder for kliniske ernæringsfysiologer: Ernæring ved langtkommen kreftsykdom. Klinisk ernæringsfysiologers forening (KEFF); 2007
  14. Videreutdanning i kreftomsorg og lindrende pleie for helse- og sosialpersonell med videregående opplæring. Oslo: Helsedirektoratet; januar 2005. IS-1220

Siste faglige endring: 14. oktober 2019