Joint AI plan for the safe and effective use of AI in the Norwegian health and care services 2024 - 2025
Publisert: 18. februar 2025

Kapittel 1 Sector collaboration concerning AI
Kapittel 1.1 Initiated: AI Advisory board for the health and care sector
Kapittel 1.2 Prioritised: Series of seminars concerning the integrated use of AI in the health and care services
Kapittel 1.3 Recommended: Clarify roles relating to the use of AI in the health and care services
Kapittel 1.4 Recommended: Strengthen European cooperation
Kapittel 2 Cross-agency information page on AI
Kapittel 3 Cross-agency regulatory guidance
Kapittel 4 Framework for the use of AI in the health and care services
Kapittel 4.1 Recommended topics for the seminar series on a framework for use
Kapittel 4.2 Initiated: Framework for quality assurance
Kapittel 4.3 Initiated: Engage the healthcare sector in relevant standardisation work relating to AI
Kapittel 4.4 Recommended: From research and development to use and possible commercialisation
Kapittel 4.5 Recommended: Developing health technology assessments
Kapittel 5 Use of large language models
Kapittel 5.1 Initiated: Develop report on large language models
Kapittel 5.2 Initiated: Risks associated with the use of large language models
Kapittel 5.3 Initiated: Facilitate the use of language models adapted to Norwegian conditions
Kapittel 5.4 Recommended topic for a seminar series on the use of large language models
Kapittel 6 Boosting AI skills
Appendix 1: Relevant assignments given to other stakeholders
Appendix 2: Who provided input to the plan?
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