The recent proliferation of AI-enabled software systems has raised new challenges surrounding how to safely and effectively develop, assess and implement these systems. Join Health2B, Helsedirektoratet, and DNV to discuss their new publications on AI quality and safety at Forskningsparken on January 15th.
Rapport om kvalitetssikring: Bruk av kunstig intelligens i helse- og omsorgstjenesten
This new report from the Norwegian Directorate of Health has been prepared to support organizations planning to procure an AI system, enabling them to use it safely and effectively. The report is organised in six phases and addresses aspects that organizations need to pay special attention to in order to assess whether an AI system is trustworthy when considering its acquisition, implementation, and use in health and care services.
Ensuring Safe and Trustworthy AI: an AI Act playbook for the healthcare sector
This new white paper from DNV highlights key aspects of the EU AI Act and discusses the impact on hospitals and software providers. It covers roles and responsibilities, the interplay of the AI Act with the MDR, IVDR, and GDPR, risk classification for AI systems, and the conformity assessment procedure. It also covers new and potentially challenging topics during the transition period and includes a 6-step plan to guide compliance.
Tentative agenda (more details to come)
13:00–13:15 -Welcome and introductions
13:15–14:00 -Rapport om kvalitetssikring: Bruk av KI i helse- og omsorgstjenesten
14:00–14:45 -Ensuring safe and trustworthy AI: An AI Act playbook for the healthcare sector
14:45–15:00 -Break
15:00–15:45 -Panel discussion and Q&A