Some content from the main website of the Norwegian Directorate of Health has been translated into English and is available below.
About us
The Norwegian Directorate of Health works to promote health and resilience, and is a driving force for sustainable, coordinated and equitable health and care services. We guide and coordinate a common direction for digitalisation of the health sector in Norway.
About the Norwegian Directorate of Health
The Directorate of Health's vision, mandate and activities.
Organisation and management
Organisation chart and description of departments.
Contact us
E-mail addresses, phone numbers and locations.
National Healthcare Quality Indicators
A statistical approach towards better quality.
Privacy policy
This privacy statement describes when and how the Norwegian Directorate of Health processes personal data.
International cooperation
The Norwegian Directorate of Health is involved in a wide range of international activities. Read about some of these projects and initiatives.
Public health and prevention
Partnership for a healthier diet
In Norway, the food industry and the health authorities collaborate to improve the diet of the population.
Salt and the Salt Partnership
The Salt partnership is one of the initiatives to reduce the salt intake in the Norwegian population.
Tobacco Control in Norway
Tobacco legislation, policies, milestones, tobacco use and smoking prevalence in Norway.
Healthy Life Centres
A service for people who need support in health behaviour change and in coping health problems and chronic disease.
Baby-Friendly Community Health Services (BFCHS)
Guide to process of becoming designated as BFCHS. Can be used for the purpose of implementing Best Practice in the context of Joint Action PreventNCD.